Electric Skateboard News

An Electric Penny Board Worth Considering – enSkate R3 Mini
I've got the lowdown on a brand new electric penny board being released later this month. It's touted as a long-distance, compact cruiser that's worth waiting for. Here is the first look at the specs

They Just Released The Backfire Zealot Electric Skateboard
Here's an exciting new release from Backfire Skateboards that came completely by surprise. No teasers, no secrets, they just let it loose into the wild.

New Releases, Shipping Struggles, Quiz Night & An eBoard That Goes Over 170km/h
We have a big week in eSkate news today! New releases from Exway, Backfire and Onsra, an electric skateboard that goes over 170km/h, and Thomas BBoy Stretch Doing it for the eskate community.

The Best Places To Mount ShredLights Other Than On Your eBoard
The leaders of electric skateboard lighting are back with a new mounting design and other cool systems to allow you to put lights wherever you want.

Are Enertion Finally Gone? – Eskate News Weekly Round Up
The latest in eskate news this week includes Enertion, Evolve World Cup 2020, new Kickstarters, and a brand new electric skateboard brand!